The Turtle and Falsetto

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  • HK$380.00

烏龜與假音 The Turtle and Falsetto
蔡安騰 Anteng Tsai

Author : Anteng Tsai
Format : 22.5x22.5 cm
Page : 72
Design : 霧室 mistroom
Paper : Satogami, Pachica, Vent Nouveau VV
Printing : Fu-Yo Publishing Ltd.
Publishing : 朋 丁 pon ding
Edition : first 400

The Turtle and Falsetto 
by Anteng Tsai

A pitcher that contains water, an empty cup, and a measuring cup.
Pick up the pitcher, look at the measuring cup, and pour water into the
empty glass.
Hands cup. Hands made of glass and hollow, wrists the opening.
Water has been poured.

In the morning after a typhoon, a drunkard told me,
“You know, now the sky looks foggy.
Many say it's all optical center's fault. Don't be fooled.” These are some ideas and random notes that I have strong impressions of and have yet to paint. Having them remain unpainted is like always leaving the last bite on the plate, or so I am reminded.

The Turtle and Falsetto originates from a 2017 painting that depicted an existing vase, a vase that was only remembered by its features, and a vase that was non-existing.



某颱風過後的早晨,一名醉漢跟我說 :
你知道嗎 ? 現在天空看起來霧霧的,

這些是筆記中印象較深,尚未畫出的想法及隨手記事。繼續維持在「只是想法別畫出來吧!」這樣的心態,倒是讓我聯想到類似吃飯總是留著最後一口不吃,那樣的心情。 《烏龜與假音》始於2017年一幅畫作,內容為:一個現有的瓶子、一個記得特徵的瓶子以及一個不存在的瓶子,並延續至今。